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app ¤

The Textual application.


  • Devboard

    The Devboard application.

Devboard ¤

    *args: Any,
    board: str | Path | None = None,
    background_tasks: bool = True,
    **kwargs: Any,

Bases: App, ModalMixin

The Devboard application.


action_exit ¤

action_exit() -> None

Exit application.

action_refresh ¤

action_refresh() -> None

Refresh all columns.

action_show_help ¤

action_show_help() -> None

Show help.

compose ¤

compose() -> ComposeResult

Compose the layout.

fetch_all ¤

fetch_all() -> None

Run git fetch in all projects, in background.

modal ¤

modal(text: str) -> None

Push a modal.

on_mount ¤

on_mount() -> None

Run background tasks.