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board ¤

The Textual application.


  • Column

    A Devboard column.

  • DataTable

    A Devboard data table.

  • Row

    A Devboard row.

Column ¤

Bases: Container, ModalMixin, NotifyMixin

A Devboard column.



DEFAULT_CLASSES class-attribute instance-attribute ¤


Textual CSS classes.

HEADERS class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

HEADERS: tuple[str, ...] = ()

The data table headers.

THREADED class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

THREADED: bool = True

Whether actions of this column should run in the background.

TITLE class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

TITLE: str = ''

The title of the column.

table property ¤

table: DataTable

Data table.

action_apply ¤

action_apply(action: str = 'default') -> None

Apply an action to selected rows.

apply ¤

apply(action: str, row: Row) -> None

Apply action on given row.

compose ¤

compose() -> ComposeResult

Compose column widgets.

list_projects ¤

list_projects() -> Iterable[Project]

List projects for this column.

modal ¤

modal(text: str) -> None

Push a modal.

notify_error ¤

notify_error(message: str, timeout: float = 3.0) -> None

Notify error.

notify_info ¤

notify_info(message: str, timeout: float = 3.0) -> None

Notify information.

notify_success ¤

notify_success(message: str, timeout: float = 3.0) -> None

Notify success.

notify_warning ¤

notify_warning(message: str, timeout: float = 3.0) -> None

Notify warning.

on_mount ¤

on_mount() -> None

Fill data table.

populate_rows staticmethod ¤

populate_rows(project: Project) -> list[tuple[Any, ...]]

Populate rows for this column.

update ¤

update() -> None

Update the column (recompute data).

DataTable ¤

Bases: SelectableRowsDataTable

A Devboard data table.



ROW class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

ROW = Row

The class to instantiate rows.

current_row property ¤

current_row: SelectableRow

Currently selected row.

selectable_rows property ¤

selectable_rows: Iterator[SelectableRow]

Rows, as selectable ones.

selected_rows property ¤

selected_rows: Iterator[SelectableRow]

Selected rows.

action_reverse_select ¤

action_reverse_select() -> None

Reverse selection.

action_toggle_select_all ¤

action_toggle_select_all() -> None

Toggle-select all rows.

action_toggle_select_down ¤

action_toggle_select_down() -> None

Toggle selection down.

action_toggle_select_row ¤

action_toggle_select_row() -> None

Toggle-select current row.

action_toggle_select_up ¤

action_toggle_select_up() -> None

Toggle selection up.

add_rows ¤

add_rows(rows: Iterable[Iterable]) -> list[RowKey]

Add rows.

Automatically insert a column with checkboxes in position 0.

clear ¤

clear(columns: bool = True) -> SelectableRowsDataTable

Clear rows and optionally columns.

When clearing columns, automatically re-add a column for checkboxes.

force_refresh ¤

force_refresh() -> None

Force refresh table.

Row dataclass ¤

Row(table: SelectableRowsDataTable, key: RowKey)

Bases: SelectableRow

A Devboard row.



app property ¤

app: App

Textual application.

checkbox property ¤

checkbox: Checkbox

Row checkbox.

data property ¤

data: list

Row data (without checkbox).

index property ¤

index: int

Row index.

next property ¤

Next row (down).

previous property ¤

previous: SelectableRow

Previous row (up).

project property ¤

project: Project

Devboard project.

selected property ¤

selected: bool

Whether this row is selected.

remove ¤

remove() -> None

Remove row from the table.

select ¤

select() -> None

Select this row.

toggle_select ¤

toggle_select() -> bool

Toggle-select this row.

unselect ¤

unselect() -> None

Unselect this row.