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In this tutorial, we will rebuild the board provided by default. It is an initiation to board building, and should give you enough understanding of boards are built so that you can build your own.

Devboard ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────       ▶ To Commit             ▶ To Pull              ▶ To Push            ▶ To Release        Project     Details Project        Bran Project  Branch  Co Project  Details   archan      1M      failprint      feat duty     main    3  duty     2F 1X     dependenpy  1D 2U   git-changelog  main mvodb    1F        failprint   1U      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

The default board has four columns:

  • To Commit: a column showing projects that have uncommitted modifications. Keeping modifications locally is risky: they are not saved anywhere and you could lose them if something happens to your disk or computer. Modifications that have been sitting here for a long time should be committed with a "wip" message (Work In Progress) to a properly named branch, then pushed to a remote.
  • To Pull: a column showing project branches that have commits in the remote. Keep your branches up-to-date to avoid having Git error out when you try to push.
  • To Push: a column showing project branches that have local commits not in the remote. Push your commits to avoid losing your work.
  • To Release: a column showing projects that have unreleased commits (commits that are more recent than the most recent tag). Maybe it's time to release these changes so that your users can benefit from them?

By default, Devboard looks for the board configuration in your user config directory, for example:

  • ~/.config/devboard on Linux systems, following the XDG specification
  • ~/Library/Preferences/devboard on Mac OS
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\devboard\devboard or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\devboard\devboard on Windows

Use devboard --show-config-dir to print your configuration directory path.

When you run devboard the first time, it creates a default board called For the tutorial, we will create a new file next to it and call it

touch "$(devboard --show-config-dir)/"

We will also tell Devboard to use this tutorial board by default. Open the config.toml file in the config directory, and change the board value to "tutorial":

board = "tutorial"

Now open the file in your favorite editor, and you'll be ready to start building.

Building the "To Commit" column¤

In this column, we want to show a list of rows that display the project name and a summary of the changes in the project.

  • A for added files
  • D for deleted files
  • M for modified files
  • R for renamed/moved files
  • T for files whose type changed
  • U for untracked (new) files

We also want to add key bindings to show the output of git status and git diff on projects.

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                        ▶ To Commit                          Project     Details   archan      1M        dependenpy  1D 2U     failprint   1U       ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

Creating a column, adding it to the board¤

First, we create the column and add it to the board:

from devboard import Column

class ToCommit(Column):
    TITLE = "To Commit"

columns = [

Here we create a column by declaring a class that inherits from devboard.Column. Then we add it to the columns list, because Devboard uses this variable to build the board.

Listing projects for a column¤

Running devboard now shows our "To Commit" column, but it is empty. We will tell Devboard how to find the relevant projects for this column by implementing a list_project method on the class:

from pathlib import Path
from devboard import Column, Project

class ToCommit(Column):
    TITLE = "To Commit"

    def list_projects(self):
        base_dir = Path.home() / "dev"
        for filedir in base_dir.iterdir():
            if filedir.is_dir() and filedir.joinpath(".git").is_dir():
                yield Project(filedir)

columns = [

Here we set our base directory, where our projects are, to the dev folder in our home/user directory. You should change that line to use the directory in which your projects actually are. Then we iterate on the files/directories within this base directory, and only keep the ones that repositories: they are directories and they have a .git folder inside. We yield instances of devboard.Project, because that's what Devboard expects.

Populating rows of columns' data tables¤

Great, now Devboard can find our projects. But running devboard still shows an empty column. Of course, it doesn't know what to do with these projects. We will tell it how to scan a project to add rows to our table by implementing the populate_rows method.

from pathlib import Path
from devboard import Column, Project

class ToCommit(Column):
    TITLE = "To Commit"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Details")

    def list_projects(self):
        base_dir = Path.home() / "dev"
        for filedir in base_dir.iterdir():
            if filedir.is_dir() and filedir.joinpath(".git").is_dir():
                yield Project(filedir)

    def populate_rows(project):
        return [(project, project.status_line)] if project.is_dirty else []

columns = [

We declare the table headers with the HEADERS class variable.

Then we build and return rows in the populate_rows method. The number of element in each row must be equal to the number of headers. Fortunately, the status line functionality is built into devboard.Project, so we can use it directly. We don't bother computing a status line if the project is not "dirty", i.e. has no current modifications.

You may have noticed that the method is a staticmethod. This is required by Devboard for technical reasons that are beyond this tutorial's scope.

Devboard is now able to show you a table of projects and status lines. If the column still shows up empty, try to create a few files in your projects, so that Devboard has something to show. You can of course delete these files once you made sure the column is working.

Adding keybindings¤

Now lets add some key bindings to our column. We want to show the output of git status when hitting S, and the output of git diff when hitting D. We do that by declaring the BINDINGS class variable, and by implementing the apply method:

from pathlib import Path
from devboard import Column, Project, Row

class ToCommit(Column):
    TITLE = "To Commit"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Details")
    THREADED = False
    BINDINGS = [
        ("s", "apply('status')", "Show status"),
        ("d", "apply('diff')", "Show diff"),

    def list_projects(self):
        base_dir = Path.home() / "dev"
        for filedir in base_dir.iterdir():
            if filedir.is_dir() and filedir.joinpath(".git").is_dir():
                yield Project(filedir)

    def populate_rows(project):
        return [(project, project.status_line)] if project.is_dirty else []

    def apply(self, action, row):
        if action == "status":
        if action == "diff":
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown action '{action}'")```

columns = [

Bindings are a list of a 3-tuples.

  1. In the first item of the tuple, we write the key we want to bind. For multiple keys, separate them with commas.
  2. In the second item, we tell Devboard to apply a specific action, for example apply('status') to apply a "status" action.
  3. In the third item, we write the description of the binding. It will appear in the footer, next to the keys you chose.

The BINDINGS variable is directly used by Textual: see their Bindings documentation for more information.

Next, we write our apply method, that takes an action (a string), and a devboard.Row instance. This row instance has a project attribute that returns the devboard.Project instance that we added to the row in populate_rows. The project itself has a repo attribute that returns a Repo object from the GitPython library. We use its git attribute to run Git commands in the project. For more information on these objects, see GitPython's API Reference. Finally, we pass the output of the Git command to self.modal(), which shows a modal window on the screen with the specified contents.

Hitting S should show the output of git status:

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                                            ▶ To Commit                                              Project     Details   archan      1M        dependenpy  1D 2U     failprint   1U       ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

Hitting D should show the output of git diff:

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                                            ▶ To Commit                                              Project     Details   archan      1M        dependenpy  1D 2U     failprint   1U       ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

Because we don't want to apply actions in parallel, but rather stack the modals on top of each other, sequentially, we set the THREADED class variable to False. The next columns will apply actions that run in the background, so they will leave THREADED to its default value, True.

That's it for the "To Commit" column, now to the next!

Building the "To Pull" column¤

In this column, we want to show a list of rows that display the project name, a Git branch, and the number of commits that can be pulled from the remote for that branch.

We also want to add key bindings to run git pull on the given project and branch, or to delete the given branch in the project when it's already merged or is not needed anymore.

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                         ▶ To Pull                           Project        Branch           Commits   failprint      feat/capture-fd  1         git-changelog  main             1        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

We create the column, directly implemeting its list_projects method:

class ToPull(Column):
    TITLE = "To Pull"

    def list_projects(self):
        base_dir = Path.home() / "dev"
        for filedir in base_dir.iterdir():
            if filedir.is_dir() and filedir.joinpath(".git").is_dir():
                yield Project(filedir)

We are starting to repeat ourselves here. If all columns list the same projects, we could move this code in a reusable function:

BASE_DIR = Path.home() / "dev"

def list_projects():
    for filedir in BASE_DIR.iterdir():
        if filedir.is_dir() and filedir.joinpath(".git").is_dir():
            yield Project(filedir)

class ToPull(Column):
    TITLE = "To Pull"

    def list_projects(self):
        yield from list_projects()

If needed, update the list_projects method of the ToCommit column too.

Now lets implement the populate_rows method:

class ToPull(Column):
    TITLE = "To Pull"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Branch", "Commits")

    def list_projects(self):
        yield from list_projects()

    def populate_rows(project: Project):
        return [(project, branch, commits) for branch, commits in project.unpulled().items() if commits]

Fortunately again, Devboard projects have this functionality built-in, so it is easy to count the number of commits to be pulled per branch of a project.

Actions running in the background, locking projects¤

We can declare our bindings and our apply method:

from git import GitCommandError

class ToPull(Column):
    TITLE = "To Pull"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Branch", "Commits")
    BINDINGS = [
        ("p", "apply('pull')", "Pull"),
        ("d", "apply('delete')", "Delete branch"),

    def list_projects(self):
        yield from list_projects()

    def populate_rows(project):
        return [(project, branch, commits) for branch, commits in project.unpulled().items() if commits]

    def apply(self, action, row):
        project, branch, _ =
        message = f"Pulling branch [i]{branch}[/] in [i]{project}[/]"
        if not project.lock():
            self.notify_warning(f"Prevented: {message}: An operation is ongoing")
        if not project.is_dirty:
            self.notify_info(f"Started: {message}")
            except GitCommandError as error:
                self.notify_error(f"{message}: {error}", timeout=10)
                self.notify_success(f"Finished: {message}")
            self.notify_warning(f"Prevented: {message}: project is dirty")

When applying an action on a row (project and branch), we want to catch any error that happens. For this we import GitCommandError from git, to use it in except blocks.

In our apply method, we start by getting the project and branch from the current row. It is done by unpacking the row's data. We also prepare our notification message. It uses Rich markup.

Since Devboard allows to select multiple rows and apply an action to all selected rows in the background, we want to make sure that we don't try and run a Git command that could change the state of a project, while another column is already running such a command. In short, to prevent race conditions, we want to "lock" projects: only one action can be applied on each project at a time. Other columns trying to apply an action on a locked project will notify the user with a warning message.

To lock our project, we use project.lock(). It it fails, it means the project was already locked, and we notify the user with a warning message. If it succeeds, we can continue and apply our action.

Here we don't bother checking projects that are dirty, because it would not be safe to switch to other branches and/or pull commits from the remote repository.

Since pulling commits can take a few seconds or more, we notify the user that we started the command. We then use project.pull(), once again built into Devboard projects, to pull a given branch. If we catch an error, we notify the user with an error message. This message is displayed for a longer time, 10 seconds, to let the user read it. If all went well, we notify the user with a success message, and we remove the row from the board.

Finally, and this is very important, we unlock the project.

Lets add our new column to the board:

columns = [

Devboard ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                   ▶ To Commit                                      ▶ To Pull                      Project     Details  Project        Branch           Commits   archan      1M       failprint      feat/capture-fd  1         dependenpy  1D 2U    git-changelog  main             1         failprint   1U       ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

Building the "To Push" column¤

This column is similar to the "To Pull" column, except we want to show unpushed commits instead of commits to pull.

We will add a key binding to push the commits, but not to delete branches. If there are commits to push, it is be preferable to push them rather than deleting the branch.

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                         ▶ To Push                           Project  Branch  Commits   duty     main    3        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

There is nothing new here, we can write the entire class at once:

class ToPush(Column):
    TITLE = "To Push"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Branch", "Commits")
    BINDINGS = [
        ("p", "apply('push')", "Push"),

    def list_projects(self):
        yield from list_projects()

    def populate_rows(project):
        return [(project, branch, commits) for branch, commits in project.unpushed().items() if commits]

    def apply(self, action, row):
        project, branch, _ =
        message = f"Pushing branch [i]{branch}[/] in [i]{project}[/]"
        if not project.lock():
            self.notify_warning(f"Prevented: {message}: An operation is ongoing")
        self.notify_info(f"Started: {message}")
        except GitCommandError as error:
            self.notify_error(f"{message}: {error}", timeout=10)
            self.notify_success(f"Finished: {message}")

Lets add our new column to the board:

columns = [

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────           ▶ To Commit                     ▶ To Pull                      ▶ To Push              Project     Details  Project        Branch       Project  Branch  Commits   archan      1M       failprint      feat/capture duty     main    3         dependenpy  1D 2U    git-changelog  main          failprint   1U       ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit  S  Show status  D  Show diff 

Building the "To Release" column¤

In the last column, we want to show projects that have unreleased changes, for example bug fixes and features. Each one will display the project name, and a summary line with a number for each type of change.

  • F for feature
  • X for bug fix
  • R for refactor
  • B for build configuration or packaging
  • D for changes in dependencies

To be able to infer the type of commits, we suppose that projects rely on the conventional commit convention. Commit messages are prefixed with type:, type being feat, fix, etc.

We could add a binding here to automatically release a new version of a project, but we leave this as an exercise to the reader, because releasing a new version should be done carefully anyway (reviewing the set of commits that will be released, reviewing the changelog and the choosing the new version number, etc.).

Devboard ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────                        ▶ To Release                         Project  Details   duty     2F 1X     mvodb    1F       ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit 

Again, nothing new here, lets write the entire class at once:

class ToRelease(Column):
    TITLE = "To Release"
    HEADERS = ("Project", "Details")

    def list_projects(self):
        yield from list_projects()

    def populate_rows(project):
        commit_types = {"feat": "F", "fix": "X", "refactor": "R", "build": "B", "deps": "D"}
        by_type = {commit_type: 0 for commit_type in commit_types}
        for commit in project.unreleased():
            for commit_type in commit_types:
                if commit.summary.startswith(f"{commit_type}:"):
                    by_type[commit_type] += 1
        parts = [f"{by_type[ct]}{commit_types[ct]}" for ct in commit_types if by_type[ct]]
        if parts:
            return [(project, " ".join(parts))]
        return []

Devboard projects have an unreleased() method that returns the unreleased commits for a given branch. We use it to iterate on unreleased commits, parsing the summary of their message to infer the commit type. We count each type, and if any type count is higher than 0, we build a summary line and return a row.

Lets add our new column to the board:

columns = [

Here is our final board with four columns:

Devboard ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────       ▶ To Commit             ▶ To Pull              ▶ To Push            ▶ To Release        Project     Details Project        Bran Project  Branch  Co Project  Details   archan      1M      failprint      feat duty     main    3  duty     2F 1X     dependenpy  1D 2U   git-changelog  main mvodb    1F        failprint   1U      ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────  F5  Refresh  ?  Help  Q  Exit  P  Push 

Now you can continue tinkering with your board, or delete your configuration file and re-run devboard to recreate the default configuration.

That's it for the tutorial! Next we recommend reading the guide, to learn more about each aspect of Devboard features.