List the backlog.
List the issues in the backlog.
Arguments | Description | Default |
BACKLOG_NAMESPACES | Namespaces to fetch issues from. | BACKLOG_NAMESPACES env-var or backlog.namespaces config-value |
Options | Description | Default |
-i , --issue-labels ISSUE_LABELS | Issue labels to keep in issues metadata, and how they are represented. | backlog.issue-labels config-value |
-l , --limit LIMIT | Limit the number of issues to display. | backlog.limit config-value or 0 |
-s , --sort SORT | Sort strategy. | backlog.sort config-value |
--public | Only use public sponsorships. | |
--plt , --polar-token POLAR_TOKEN | A Polar token. Recommended scopes: user:read , issues:read , subscriptions:read . | POLAR_TOKEN env-var or backlog.polar-token-command config-value |
--plb , --polar-beneficiaries POLAR_BENEFICIARIES | Beneficiaries of Polar sponsors. | sponsors.polar-beneficiaries config-value |
--ght , --github-token GITHUB_TOKEN | A GitHub token. Recommended scopes: read:user . | GITHUB_TOKEN env-var or backlog.github-token-command config-value |
--ghb , --github-beneficiaries GITHUB_BENEFICIARIES | Beneficiaries of GitHub sponsors. | sponsors.github-beneficiaries config-value |