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markdown_exec ¤

Markdown Exec package.

Utilities to execute code blocks in Markdown files.


  • formatters

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • logger

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • mkdocs_plugin

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • processors

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • rendering

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.




MARKDOWN_EXEC_AUTO module-attribute ¤

MARKDOWN_EXEC_AUTO = [strip() for lang in split(',')]

Languages to automatically execute.

default_tabs module-attribute ¤

default_tabs = ('Source', 'Result')

Default tab titles.

markdown_config module-attribute ¤

markdown_config = MarkdownConfig()

This object can be used to save the configuration of your Markdown extensions.

For example, since we provide a MkDocs plugin, we use it to store the configuration that was read from mkdocs.yml:

from markdown_exec.rendering import markdown_config

# relevant events/hooks, access and modify extensions and their configs, then:, extensions_config)

See the actual event hook: on_config. See the save and reset methods.

Without it, Markdown Exec will rely on the registeredExtensions attribute of the original Markdown instance, which does not forward everything that was configured, notably extensions like tables. Other extensions such as attr_list are visible, but fail to register properly when reusing their instances. It means that the rendered HTML might differ from what you expect (tables not rendered, attribute lists not injected, emojis not working, etc.).

ExecutionError ¤

ExecutionError(message: str, returncode: int | None = None)

Bases: Exception

Exception raised for errors during execution of a code block.


  • message

    The exception message.

  • returncode

    The code returned by the execution of the code block.

returncode instance-attribute ¤

returncode = returncode

The code returned by the execution of the code block.

HeadingReportingTreeprocessor ¤

    md: Markdown, headings: list[Element]

Bases: Treeprocessor

Records the heading elements encountered in the document.


  • run

    Run the treeprocessor.


  • headings

    The list of heading elements.

  • name

    The name of the treeprocessor.

  • regex

    The regex to match heading tags.

headings instance-attribute ¤

headings = headings

The list of heading elements.

name class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

name = 'markdown_exec_record_headings'

The name of the treeprocessor.

regex class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

regex = compile('[Hh][1-6]')

The regex to match heading tags.

run ¤

run(root: Element) -> None

Run the treeprocessor.

IdPrependingTreeprocessor ¤

IdPrependingTreeprocessor(md: Markdown, id_prefix: str)

Bases: Treeprocessor

Prepend the configured prefix to IDs of all HTML elements.


  • run

    Run the treeprocessor.


  • id_prefix

    The prefix to prepend to IDs.

  • name

    The name of the treeprocessor.

id_prefix instance-attribute ¤

id_prefix = id_prefix

The prefix to prepend to IDs.

name class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

name = 'markdown_exec_ids'

The name of the treeprocessor.

run ¤

run(root: Element) -> None

Run the treeprocessor.

InsertHeadings ¤

InsertHeadings(md: Markdown)

Bases: Treeprocessor

Our headings insertor.


  • md (Markdown) –

    A markdown.Markdown instance.


  • run

    Run the treeprocessor.


headings instance-attribute ¤

headings: dict[Markup, list[Element]] = {}

The dictionary of headings.

name class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

name = 'markdown_exec_insert_headings'

The name of the treeprocessor.

run ¤

run(root: Element) -> None

Run the treeprocessor.

MarkdownConfig ¤


This class returns a singleton used to store Markdown extensions configuration.

You don't have to instantiate the singleton yourself: we provide it as markdown_config.


  • __new__

    Return the singleton instance.

  • reset

    Reset Markdown extensions and their configuration.

  • save

    Save Markdown extensions and their configuration.


exts instance-attribute ¤

exts: list[str] | None = None

The Markdown extensions.

exts_config instance-attribute ¤

exts_config: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] | None = None

The extensions configuration.

__new__ ¤

__new__() -> MarkdownConfig

Return the singleton instance.

reset ¤

reset() -> None

Reset Markdown extensions and their configuration.

save ¤

    exts: list[str], exts_config: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
) -> None

Save Markdown extensions and their configuration.


  • exts (list[str]) –

    The Markdown extensions.

  • exts_config (dict[str, dict[str, Any]]) –

    The extensions configuration.

MarkdownConverter ¤

MarkdownConverter(md: Markdown, *, update_toc: bool = True)

Helper class to avoid breaking the original Markdown instance state.


  • convert

    Convert Markdown text to safe HTML.


  • counter (int) –

    A counter to generate unique IDs for code blocks.

counter class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

counter: int = 0

A counter to generate unique IDs for code blocks.

convert ¤

    text: str,
    stash: dict[str, str] | None = None,
    id_prefix: str | None = None,
) -> Markup

Convert Markdown text to safe HTML.


  • text (str) –

    Markdown text.

  • stash (dict[str, str] | None, default: None ) –

    An HTML stash.


  • Markup

    Safe HTML.

MarkdownExecPlugin ¤

Bases: BasePlugin[MarkdownExecPluginConfig]

MkDocs plugin to easily enable custom fences for code blocks execution.


on_config ¤

on_config(config: MkDocsConfig) -> MkDocsConfig | None

Configure the plugin.

Hook for the on_config event. In this hook, we add custom fences for all the supported languages.

We also save the Markdown extensions configuration into markdown_config.


  • config (MkDocsConfig) –

    The MkDocs config object.


  • MkDocsConfig | None

    The modified config.

on_env ¤

    env: Environment, *, config: MkDocsConfig, files: Files
) -> Environment | None

Add assets to the environment.

on_post_build ¤

on_post_build(*, config: MkDocsConfig) -> None

Reset the plugin state.

MarkdownExecPluginConfig ¤

Bases: Config

Configuration of the plugin (for mkdocs.yml).


  • ansi

    Whether the ansi extra is required when installing the package.

  • languages

    Which languages to enabled the extension for.

ansi class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

ansi = Choice(
    ("auto", "off", "required", True, False), default="auto"

Whether the ansi extra is required when installing the package.

languages class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

languages = ListOfItems(
    Choice(keys()), default=list(keys())

Which languages to enabled the extension for.

RemoveHeadings ¤

Bases: Treeprocessor

Our headings remover.


  • run

    Run the treeprocessor.


  • name

    The name of the treeprocessor.

name class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

name = 'markdown_exec_remove_headings'

The name of the treeprocessor.

run ¤

run(root: Element) -> None

Run the treeprocessor.

add_source ¤

    source: str,
    location: str,
    output: str,
    language: str,
    tabs: tuple[str, str],
    result: str = "",
    **extra: str,
) -> str

Add source code block to the output.


  • source (str) –

    The source code block.

  • location (str) –

    Where to add the source (above, below, tabbed-left, tabbed-right, console).

  • output (str) –

    The current output.

  • language (str) –

    The code language.

  • tabs (tuple[str, str]) –

    Tabs titles (if used).

  • result (str, default: '' ) –

    Syntax to use when concatenating source and result with "console" location.

  • **extra (str, default: {} ) –

    Extra options added back to source code block.


  • ValueError

    When the given location is not supported.


  • str

    The updated output.

base_format ¤

    language: str,
    run: Callable,
    code: str,
    md: Markdown,
    html: bool = False,
    source: str = "",
    result: str = "",
    tabs: tuple[str, str] = default_tabs,
    id: str = "",
    id_prefix: str | None = None,
    returncode: int = 0,
    transform_source: Callable[[str], tuple[str, str]]
    | None = None,
    session: str | None = None,
    update_toc: bool = True,
    workdir: str | None = None,
    width: int | None = None,
    **options: Any,
) -> Markup

Execute code and return HTML.


  • language (str) –

    The code language.

  • run (Callable) –

    Function that runs code and returns output.

  • code (str) –

    The code to execute.

  • md (Markdown) –

    The Markdown instance.

  • html (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to inject output as HTML directly, without rendering.

  • source (str, default: '' ) –

    Whether to show source as well, and where.

  • result (str, default: '' ) –

    If provided, use as language to format result in a code block.

  • tabs (tuple[str, str], default: default_tabs ) –

    Titles of tabs (if used).

  • id (str, default: '' ) –

    An optional ID for the code block (useful when warning about errors).

  • id_prefix (str | None, default: None ) –

    A string used to prefix HTML ids in the generated HTML.

  • returncode (int, default: 0 ) –

    The expected exit code.

  • transform_source (Callable[[str], tuple[str, str]] | None, default: None ) –

    An optional callable that returns transformed versions of the source. The input source is the one that is ran, the output source is the one that is rendered (when the source option is enabled).

  • session (str | None, default: None ) –

    A session name, to persist state between executed code blocks.

  • update_toc (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to include generated headings into the Markdown table of contents (toc extension).

  • workdir (str | None, default: None ) –

    The working directory to use for the execution.

  • **options (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional options passed from the formatter.


  • Markup

    HTML contents.

code_block ¤

code_block(language: str, code: str, **options: str) -> str

Format code as a code block.


  • language (str) –

    The code block language.

  • code (str) –

    The source code to format.

  • **options (str, default: {} ) –

    Additional options passed from the source, to add back to the generated code block.


  • str

    The formatted code block.

console_width ¤

console_width(width: int | None = None) -> Iterator[None]

Set the console width for the duration of the context.

The console width is set using the COLUMNS environment variable.


  • width (int | None, default: None ) –

    The width to set the console to.

formatter ¤

    source: str,
    language: str,
    css_class: str,
    options: dict[str, Any],
    md: Markdown,
    classes: list[str] | None = None,
    id_value: str = "",
    attrs: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> str

Execute code and return HTML.


  • source (str) –

    The code to execute.

  • language (str) –

    The code language, like python or bash.

  • css_class (str) –

    The CSS class to add to the HTML element.

  • options (dict[str, Any]) –

    The container for options.

  • attrs (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    The container for attrs:

  • md (Markdown) –

    The Markdown instance.

  • classes (list[str] | None, default: None ) –

    Additional CSS classes.

  • id_value (str, default: '' ) –

    An optional HTML id.

  • attrs (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Additional attributes

  • **kwargs (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional arguments passed to SuperFences default formatters.


  • str

    HTML contents.

get_logger ¤

get_logger(name: str) -> _Logger

Create and return a new logger instance.


  • name (str) –

    The logger name.


  • _Logger

    The logger.

patch_loggers ¤

    get_logger_func: Callable[[str], Any],
) -> None

Patch loggers.

We provide the patch_loggersfunction so dependant libraries can patch loggers as they see fit.

For example, to fit in the MkDocs logging configuration and prefix each log message with the module name:

import logging
from markdown_exec.logger import patch_loggers

class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
    def __init__(self, prefix, logger):
        super().__init__(logger, {})
        self.prefix = prefix

    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
        return f"{self.prefix}: {msg}", kwargs

def get_logger(name):
    logger = logging.getLogger(f"mkdocs.plugins.{name}")
    return LoggerAdapter(name.split(".", 1)[0], logger)



  • get_logger_func (Callable[[str], Any]) –

    A function accepting a name as parameter and returning a logger.

tabbed ¤

tabbed(*tabs: tuple[str, str]) -> str

Format tabs using pymdownx.tabbed extension.


  • *tabs (tuple[str, str], default: () ) –

    Tuples of strings: title and text.


  • str

    The formatted tabs.

validator ¤

    language: str,
    inputs: dict[str, str],
    options: dict[str, Any],
    attrs: dict[str, Any],
    md: Markdown,
) -> bool

Validate code blocks inputs.


  • language (str) –

    The code language, like python or bash.

  • inputs (dict[str, str]) –

    The code block inputs, to be sorted into options and attrs.

  • options (dict[str, Any]) –

    The container for options.

  • attrs (dict[str, Any]) –

    The container for attrs:

  • md (Markdown) –

    The Markdown instance.


  • bool

    Success or not.

working_directory ¤

    path: str | None = None,
) -> Iterator[None]

Change the working directory for the duration of the context.


  • path (str | None, default: None ) –

    The path to change the working directory to.

formatters ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.


  • base

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • bash

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • console

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • markdown

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • pycon

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • pyodide

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • python

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • sh

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

  • tree

    Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

base ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

bash ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

console ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

markdown ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

pycon ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

pyodide ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

python ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

sh ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

tree ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

logger ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

mkdocs_plugin ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

processors ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.

rendering ¤

Deprecated. Import from markdown_exec directly.