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Bases: MonadTall

Emulate the behavior of XMonad's horizontal tiling scheme.

This layout attempts to emulate the behavior of XMonad wide tiling scheme.


A main pane that contains a single window takes up a horizontal portion of the screen_rect based on the ratio setting. This ratio can be adjusted with the grow_main and shrink_main or, while the main pane is in focus, grow and shrink.

|                   |
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |

Using the flip method will switch which vertical side the main pane will occupy. The main pane is considered the "top" of the stack.

|                   |
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |
|                   |


Occupying the rest of the screen_rect are one or more secondary panes. The secondary panes will share the horizontal space of the screen_rect however they can be resized at will with the grow and shrink methods. The other secondary panes will adjust their sizes to smoothly fill all of the space.

---------------------          ---------------------
|                   |          |                   |
|                   |          |                   |
|                   |          |                   |
|___________________|          |___________________|
|     |       |     |          |   |           |   |
|     |       |     |          |   |           |   |
---------------------          ---------------------

Panes can be moved with the shuffle_up and shuffle_down methods. As mentioned the main pane is considered the top of the stack; moving up is counter-clockwise and moving down is clockwise.

The opposite is true if the layout is "flipped".

---------------------          ---------------------
|                   |          |  2  |   3   |  4  |
|         1         |          |_____|_______|_____|
|                   |          |                   |
|___________________|          |                   |
|     |       |     |          |        1          |
|  2  |   3   |  4  |          |                   |
---------------------          ---------------------


To restore all secondary client windows to their default size ratios use the normalize method.

To reset all client windows to their default sizes, including the primary window, use the reset method.


To toggle a client window between its minimum and maximum sizes simply use the maximize on a focused client.

Suggested Bindings:

Key([modkey], "h", lazy.layout.left()),
Key([modkey], "l", lazy.layout.right()),
Key([modkey], "j", lazy.layout.down()),
Key([modkey], "k", lazy.layout.up()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "h", lazy.layout.swap_left()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "l", lazy.layout.swap_right()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "k", lazy.layout.shuffle_up()),
Key([modkey], "i", lazy.layout.grow()),
Key([modkey], "m", lazy.layout.shrink()),
Key([modkey], "n", lazy.layout.reset()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()),
Key([modkey], "o", lazy.layout.maximize()),
Key([modkey, "shift"], "space", lazy.layout.flip()),


  • add_client

    Add client to layout.

  • add_defaults

    Add defaults to this object, overwriting any which already exist.

  • blur

    Called whenever focus is gone from this layout.

  • clone

    Clone layout for other groups.

  • command

    Return the command with the given name.

  • commands

    Returns a list of possible commands for this object.

  • configure

    Position client based on order and sizes.

  • doc

    Returns the documentation for a specified command name.

  • eval

    Evaluates code in the same context as this function.

  • flip

    Flip the layout horizontally.

  • focus

    Called whenever the focus changes.

  • focus_first

    Called when the first client in Layout shall be focused.

  • focus_last

    Called when the last client in Layout shall be focused.

  • focus_next

    Called when the next client in Layout shall be focused.

  • focus_previous

    Called when the previous client in Layout shall be focused.

  • function

    Call a function with current object as argument.

  • get_shrink_margin

    Return how many remaining pixels a client can shrink.

  • grow

    Grow current window.

  • grow_down_shared

    Grow lower secondary clients.

  • grow_main

    Grow main pane.

  • grow_up_shared

    Grow higher secondary clients.

  • hide

    Called when layout is being hidden.

  • info

    Returns a dictionary of layout information.

  • items

    Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

  • left

    Focus on the closest window to the left of the current window.

  • maximize

    Grow the currently focused client to the max size.

  • normalize

    Evenly distribute screen-space among secondary clients.

  • remove

    Remove client from layout.

  • reset

    Reset Layout.

  • right

    Focus on the closest window to the right of the current window.

  • select

    Return a selected object.

  • set_ratio

    Directly set the main pane ratio.

  • show

    Called when layout is being shown.

  • shrink

    Shrink current window.

  • shrink_down

    Shrink current window down.

  • shrink_down_shared

    Shrink secondary clients.

  • shrink_main

    Shrink main pane.

  • shrink_up

    Shrink the window up.

  • shrink_up_shared

    Shrink the shared space.

  • shuffle_down

    Shuffle the client down the stack.

  • shuffle_up

    Shuffle the client up the stack.

  • swap

    Swap two windows.

  • swap_left

    Swap current window with closest window to the down.

  • swap_main

    Swap current window to main pane.

  • swap_right

    Swap current window with closest window to the up.


  • group (_Group) –

    Returns the group this layout is attached to.

group property

group: _Group

Returns the group this layout is attached to.

Layouts start out unattached, and are attached when the group is configured and each layout is cloned for every group.


add_client(client: Window) -> None

Add client to layout.



Add defaults to this object, overwriting any which already exist.


blur() -> None

Called whenever focus is gone from this layout.


clone(group: _Group) -> Self

Clone layout for other groups.


command(name: str) -> Callable | None

Return the command with the given name.


  • name (str) –

    The name of the command to fetch.


commands() -> list[str]

Returns a list of possible commands for this object.

Used by qsh for command completion and online help


configure(client: Window, screen_rect: ScreenRect) -> None

Position client based on order and sizes.


doc(name) -> str

Returns the documentation for a specified command name.

Used by qsh to provide online help.


eval(code: str) -> tuple[bool, str | None]

Evaluates code in the same context as this function.

Return value is tuple (success, result), success being a boolean and result being a string representing the return value of eval, or None if exec was used instead.



Flip the layout horizontally.


focus(client: Window) -> None

Called whenever the focus changes.


focus_first() -> Window | None

Called when the first client in Layout shall be focused.

This method should:

  • Return the first client in Layout, if any.
  • Not focus the client itself, this is done by caller.


focus_last() -> Window | None

Called when the last client in Layout shall be focused.

This method should:

  • Return the last client in Layout, if any.
  • Not focus the client itself, this is done by caller.


focus_next(window: Window) -> Window | None

Called when the next client in Layout shall be focused.

This method should:

  • Return the next client in Layout, if any.
  • Return None if the next client would be the first client.
  • Not focus the client itself, this is done by caller.

Do not implement a full cycle here, because the Groups cycling relies on returning None here if the end of Layout is hit, such that Floating clients are included in cycle.


  • win (Window) –

    The currently focused client.


focus_previous(window: Window) -> Window | None

Called when the previous client in Layout shall be focused.

This method should:

  • Return the previous client in Layout, if any.
  • Return None if the previous client would be the last client.
  • Not focus the client itself, this is done by caller.

Do not implement a full cycle here, because the Groups cycling relies on returning None here if the end of Layout is hit, such that Floating clients are included in cycle.


  • win (Window) –

    The currently focused client.


function(function, *args, **kwargs) -> None

Call a function with current object as argument.



Return how many remaining pixels a client can shrink.



Grow current window.

Will grow the currently focused client reducing the size of those around it. Growing will stop when no other secondary clients can reduce their size any further.


grow_down_shared(cidx, amt)

Grow lower secondary clients.

Will grow all secondary clients below the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount.



Grow main pane.

Will grow the main pane, reducing the size of clients in the secondary pane.


grow_up_shared(cidx, amt)

Grow higher secondary clients.

Will grow all secondary clients above the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount.


hide() -> None

Called when layout is being hidden.


info() -> dict[str, Any]

Returns a dictionary of layout information.


items(name: str) -> tuple[bool, list[str | int] | None]

Build a list of contained items for the given item class.

Exposing this allows qsh to navigate the command graph.

Returns a tuple (root, items) for the specified item class, where:

root: True if this class accepts a "naked" specification without an
item seletion (e.g. "layout" defaults to current layout), and False
if it does not (e.g. no default "widget").

items: a list of contained items



Focus on the closest window to the left of the current window.



Grow the currently focused client to the max size.



Evenly distribute screen-space among secondary clients.


remove(client: Window) -> Window | None

Remove client from layout.


reset(ratio=None, redraw=True)

Reset Layout.



Focus on the closest window to the right of the current window.


select(selectors: list[SelectorType]) -> CommandObject

Return a selected object.

Recursively finds an object specified by a list of (name, selector) items.

Raises SelectError if the object does not exist.



Directly set the main pane ratio.


show(screen_rect: ScreenRect) -> None

Called when layout is being shown.



Shrink current window.

Will shrink the currently focused client reducing the size of those around it. Shrinking will stop when the client has reached the minimum size.


shrink_down(cidx, amt)

Shrink current window down.

Will shrink all secondary clients below the specified index in order. Each client will attempt to shrink as much as it is able before the next client is resized.

Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned.


shrink_down_shared(cidx, amt)

Shrink secondary clients.

Will shrink all secondary clients below the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. After applying the shared amount to all affected clients, any amount left over will be applied in a non-equal manner with shrink_down.

Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned.



Shrink main pane.

Will shrink the main pane, increasing the size of clients in the secondary pane.


shrink_up(cidx, amt)

Shrink the window up.

Will shrink all secondary clients above the specified index in order. Each client will attempt to shrink as much as it is able before the next client is resized.

Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned.


shrink_up_shared(cidx, amt)

Shrink the shared space.

Will shrink all secondary clients above the specified index by an equal share of the provided amount. After applying the shared amount to all affected clients, any amount left over will be applied in a non-equal manner with shrink_up.

Any amount that was unable to be applied to the clients is returned.



Shuffle the client down the stack.



Shuffle the client up the stack.


swap(window1: Window, window2: Window) -> None

Swap two windows.



Swap current window with closest window to the down.



Swap current window to main pane.



Swap current window with closest window to the up.