
I want to say thank you to all these projects, companies, foundations, consortiums and alliances on which I stood to create things! And another gigantic THANK YOU to the Open Source community: authors, contributors, maintainers, sustainers, bloggers, writers, testers, backers, and the rest!

alpine android archlinux asus atom bash bluetooth bower brave bunsenlabs codacy codecov corsair curl debian disqus django docker duckduckgo f-droid firefox flask fontawesome gimp git github gitlab gmail gnu googledrive google googlemaps gunicorn html5 ieee imaemagick intel java javascript jekyll jetbrains jinja2 jquery json khanacademy lastpass letsencrypt libreoffice linuxfoundation linux memcached microsoft mozilla msi neo4j nginx nodejs npm nvidia ocaml opensource openssl plex postgresql pypi pytest python raspberrypi readthedocs reddit ruby sqlite stackexchange stackoverflow steam telegram tor project travis trello ubuntu vectorlogozone vim virtualbox vlc vscode w3c wifi-alliance wikipedia wireshark yaml yarn

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